The Closing Word: Equanimous

Image of Closing Word LogoThis week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it.

This week’s closing word:


Pronounced: (ee-QWAN-ih-muss)

in full control of your faculties

From “People who are equanimous seem enviably composed and balanced. You might be equanimous about some things, remaining calm when your dog barks or your smoke alarm goes off, but less equanimous about others. Many philosophies and religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, emphasize the importance of striving to be equanimous. The word is related to equanimity, both from the Latinaequanimis, “mild or kind,” or “even minded.”

“Aspire to be one who remains equanimous during tense negotiations.”

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