Great Read Roundup: Mind the Curves

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or matter to your real estate career.

Upside Down: How to Change Behavior Through Questions Rather than Commands

(5 minute read)

Why it matters: Giving your clients the best possible advice sometimes require you present it in a way that helps them hear it. In fact, sometimes the best advice you can give is no advice at all… it’s thoughtful questioning. Read this piece by Andrew Sobel to understand how to reframe “what needs to be done” as “what do you think you might do differently?”

Seymour Schulich on Deals, Business, Decisions and Life

(3 minute read)

Why it matters: Here are eleven nuggets of wisdom from Seymour Schulich, one of Canada’s most successful businessmen. If you had no other guide than these eleven pieces of advice, you’d probably do pretty well in life.

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