Scott’s Thoughts: Minimizing Mistakes Gracefully

“Never say: “Oops.” Always say: “Ah, interesting.””

(Author Unknown)

We are often our worst critics. Regrets spring from mistakes we dwell upon, and if we dwell too long on our regrets, we often find our selves unhappy and unproductive.

But the truth is, our mistakes always look larger to us than they do to others. What seems like a glaring error on your part is hardly a blip on the radar in the eyes of others most of the time. One way you can get perspective on this: Think back to mistakes others have made recently. Can you think of any? If so, how serious do they seem now?

Don’t beat yourself up over your mistakes. You can’t keep from making mistakes (why would you want to?), but you can moderate your reaction to your mistakes. Ownership of a mistake shows humility, confidence, and honesty– hallmarks of a true professional. Also, framing the mistake as something one learns from, rather than as a terminal error, opens up possibilities. “Oops” is the end of the line. “Ah, interesting,” suggests forward motion.

Doh!This week, try not to let new mistakes or the memory of old ones weigh you down. Make amends, learn what there is to learn, and move on.

Photo credit: Alex E. Proimos

Here’s to your continued success,

Scott Levitt

Scott Levitt
President, Oakley Signs & Graphics


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