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Highlight the Best with

Bookmarking was once the gold standard for collecting your favorite bits of the web, but it wasn’t always the best method of reminding you why you saved an article, link, or message board discussion. What’s more, the bookmarks often end up disorganized, buried, and tough to scan at a glance. Fortunately, there have been a [...]

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Mindful Stress Management with Pacifica

Instead of whipping out that phone to flick through your Facebook feed for the 100th time today, why not use the supercomputer in your pocket to help you manage your stress and anxiety? Now available for Android and iOS platforms, Pacifica offers you an intuitive, engaging way to do just that. According to the website: “Pacifica offers daily [...]

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Speed Through Email with Google’s Smart Reply

If you’re a Gmail user, you may be familiar with Google’s “next generation” email client, “Inbox.” Inbox is a feature-rich mobile and web-based client for maximizing your Gmail account. Some of its most popular features include “Pinning” messages, creating reminders, and “snoozing” emails so they come back later to be dealt with. According to TechCrunch, [...]

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Comparing the Best Password Managers

If you’re the type who uses simple passwords or uses one complicated password for multiple websites, you’re at higher risk of getting hacked. If you keep your passwords written down on Post-It notes around your computer… well, you get what you deserve. These days there are a host of password managers out there, but which [...]

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Boost Your Brain in Spare Minutes with Blinkist

There are literally thousands of nonfiction books published each year, and even if you wanted to read them all you simply do not have the time to digest the information. What’s more, the marketing for many nonfiction books published today makes them come across as powerfully enlightening if not essential, and choosing which deserve your [...]

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Use Your iPad as a Second Display with Duet

Ever wished you could expand your laptop’s real estate by using your iPad as a second monitor? Now there’s a high-performance app for that. Duet Display is an app created by ex-Apple software engineers which allows you to have 60fps retina-display quality on your iPad (or iPhone) via a lightning or 30-pin cable (the same one [...]

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Download Your Data with Google Takeout

The convenience of the cloud has lulled many of us into a sense of complacency when it comes to protecting and preserving our personal data. While backing up data online may protect us from local hard drive crashes, what do you do if the server where your data lives is destroyed? What would you do [...]

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Tech Tools for Mental Health

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.–43.8 million, or 18.5%–experiences mental illness in a given year” and “approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S.–10 million, or 4.2%–experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life [...]

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Take Magic Hour Photos with GoldenHour.One

Want to know when the light is just right for dreamy “golden hour” photos? You might need to check out GoldenHour.One for iOS devices. According to the website: “[GoldenHour.One] helps you to find the best time, place and weather for your outdoor pictures. knows ahead of the time your chance for a good photo. It is [...]

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Great Read Roundup: The Future Happening Now

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. Online Real Estate Keeps Sprouting New Startups (5 minute read) Why it matters: Are you keeping tabs on the [...]

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