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Five Tips to Help You Evaluate Online Marketing Campaigns

How do you measure the success of your online marketing? Here are five guidelines to help you make better marketing investments.

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Using Google Analytics to Land More Clients

Here’s a serious business case for learning Google Analytics and a fantastic resource for teaching yourself how to use it.

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Brokers: Do You Recruit with Social Media?

Brokers, do you recruit with social media? Here’s an interesting article from Open Forum on how to go about social recruiting.

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Facebook Faster: Keyboard Shortcuts

Speed up your social media skills with these Facebook shortcuts.

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Marketing Tip: Replace Slogans with Offers

Instead of slogans, why not give your clients something they can use?

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Grouping Your Contacts: A Must for Email Marketing

Do you practice contact grouping to target your email messages to clients and prospects?

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Get Face Time With Friday Facebook Meet-ups

Here’s a tip to take online professional relationships into the offline (i.e. REAL!) world.

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Q&A: Announcing Business on Facebook?

Are you a new agent, unsure of the best approach for promoting your real estate career on Facebook? Here are some tactful, indirect ways to get the message out.

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Facebook “Private Previews” Open Houses

Have you ever used Facebook to promote private home previews?

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What Twinkies Can Teach You About Your Online Content

What can we learn about our own social media presence from the Hostess snack food company?

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