Challenges when Inheriting a Home

Key in hand.As the “silver tsunami” of Baby Boomers age, it’s inevitable that the occasional early demise will result in a family member inheriting a home. Aside from the shock of a family death, there’s the sudden question of what to do with the unexpected property.

Alex Lehr recently put together a piece for RIS Media on the common issues with inheriting a home. Topics he covers in his piece for executors include:

  1. Keep, rent or sell?
  2. Can you manage a property investment?
  3. Establishing value of the property.
  4. Repair and renovate?
  5. Furnished or unfurnished?

Check out the details for each of these challenges here:

Incidentally, we also have a prospecting letter available for selling an inherited home. The letter “positions you as someone with “boots on the ground” who can deal with the logistical issues of preparing and marketing, and selling the home, provided the inheritor lives far away.” Details available here:

Have you ever sold an inherited home? Do you have clients with aging family? Now might be a good time to shore up your expertise.

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