Momentum is an important part of achieving our goals. Long to-do lists and big projects can often make us feel as though we’re getting nowhere, so it’s vital that we build in ways to recognize how and when we’re making progress.
One way to keep your spirits up in the midst of a long-term goal is to utilize the simple concept of daily wins. “Winning the day” means closing out the day on good terms. It means feeling like you accomplished what you set out to do, and that what you accomplished aligned well with your big-picture goals.
1. Ask yourself: “What [X] number of things would leave me feeling like today was a win?”
2. Look at the day ahead and pick a reasonable number of tasks. Ideally, three items would represent a “doable” number of wins for the day. Be realistic about the time it might take to complete those tasks. In some cases, the completion of a single task that requires sustained effort may be enough.
3. Write down the daily wins and put aside your longer list. Focus on those three essentials and dedicate your time to completing them.
Practice “daily wins” to foster valuable momentum and maintain an optimistic outlook on the work ahead.