Real customer service can seem like a thing of the past if you’ve ever tried to call up your credit card company or a government agency. Navigating those numbered menus (or even worse, trying to get a computer to understand your voice on your cell phone!) can leave you with enough rage to chop down a phone tree.
Fortunately, when you frustrate enough people for long enough, someone will come up with an online business to help alleviate the problem. Enter “Get Human,” a resource for connecting you to a real human being in customer service departments.
With Get Human you can find the best phone number for any company. Benefits include:
- Fastest way to contact a human
- Shortcuts through phone mazes
- Analysis of average wait times
- “Call back” feature, instead of waiting on hold
- Direct connections to live chat support
- Best email support channels
- Corporate and executive email addresses
- Predicted email response times
- Links to customer support channels on Twitter and Facebook
Save time, improve your service experience. Get Human today: