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Other Recent Articles from Previous Issues

The Closing Word: Aghast

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: aghast Pronounced: (ah-GASSED) Adjective: struck with fear, dread, or consternation From Vocabulary.com: “Aghast comes from Old English gasten, “frighten,” which comes [...]

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Great Read Roundup: The Minimalist Approach

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. Millennials and the Minimalism Trend (3 minute read) Why it matters: The minimalist millennial trend presents a threat for [...]

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The Mona Lisa

Scott’s Thoughts: Built to Last

“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” - William James, (January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910), American psychologist and philosopher

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The Closing Word: Macabre

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: macabre Pronounced: (muh-CAH-bruh) Adjective: shockingly repellent; inspiring horror From Vocabulary.com: “This word first appeared in English in the context of [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Big Thinking

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. 6 Reasons Your Client Says “I Don’t Have Budget”—and 16 Ways to Get It (5 minute read) Why [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: Gradual Greatness

“True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.” - St. Francis of Assisi, (b.1181/1182 – October 3, 1226), Italian Catholic friar and preacher.   True greatness is not the result of a single, monumental act. It is earned through continuously applied effort over time. This is a good news/bad news situation, depending on your perspective. [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: A True Original

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”                     Yogi Berra, (May 12, 1925 — September 22, 2015), American professional baseball catcher, manager, & coach. Yogi Berra was perhaps the most colorful major league player and coach the game has ever seen. While a [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Building Character

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. How to Make Hard Life Decisions (5 minute read) Why it matters: Decisions–or, more accurately, indecision–can cause a drag [...]

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The Closing Word: Usufruct

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: usufruct Pronounced: (YOO-zuh-fruct) Noun: a legal right to use and derive profit from property belonging to someone else provided that [...]

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The Closing Word: Rankle

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: rankle Pronounced: (RANK-ull) Verb: gnaw into; make resentful or angry From Vocabulary.com: “Rankle goes back to the French verb rancler, which [...]

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