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Other Recent Articles from Previous Issues

Great Read Roundup: On Modern Communication

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. 11 Strategies to Change How You Email (4 minute read) Why it matters: Do not let email run your [...]

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The Closing Word: Erudite

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: erudite Pronounced: (ER-oo-dite or ER-yoo-dite) Adjective: having or showing profound knowledge Synonyms: learned, scholarly From Vocabulary.com: ”Erudite is from the Latin verb [...]

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The Closing Word: de rigueur

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: de rigueur Pronounced: (duh-ree-GUHR) Adjective: required by etiquette or usage or fashion Synonyms:  obligatory From Vocabulary.com: ”The literal meaning of this [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: Precious Downtime

“Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone.” - Louis L’Amour (March 22, 1908 – June 10, 1988) American author When we were kids, most of us remember looking forward to summer. Summer meant precious weeks off from school, a break in the routine, [...]

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Great Read Roundup: On Recharging

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or matter to your real estate career. 5 Unmissable Lessons From TED Talks on the Importance of Taking Time Off (5 minute read) Why it [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: The Gratitude Challenge

“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” - William Faulkner American writer (1897 − 1962)   When it comes to gratitude, it’s not just the thought that counts. Engaging, encouraging, thanking, and connecting with people depends upon acting on your gratitude. Unexpressed [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Thriving with Less

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or matter to your real estate career. What Tiny Houses Can Teach Us About Living Large on Less  (3 minute read) Why it matters: The [...]

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The Closing Word: Parlay

This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: Parlay Pronounced: (par-LAY) Verb: You might parlay your early investment in your brother’s company into a high-paying leadership role. Parlay: [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Thriving with Less

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or matter to your real estate career. What Tiny Houses Can Teach Us About Living Large on Less  (3 minute read) Why it matters: The [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Oversharing Protection

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or matter to your real estate career. How Hackers Hack Your Accounts, Passwords And Ways To Avoid Being Compromised (10 minute read) Why it matters: [...]

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