Would you like to partner with us?
Interested in partnering with the Tuesday Tactics Network? We serve up over 400,000 email messages per month to our loyal subscriber base of real estate and small business professionals.
We’ve earned the trust of our subscribers and it’s our mission to serve their needs, protect their privacy, and bring them quality tools, ideas, and inspiration that will help them improve their business and their lives.
We’re not a “pay to play” network where any product or service can slip in and temporarily rent the relationship we have with our readers. We only accept partners who have a compelling, useful, and trustworthy product or service we can recommend without reservations to our readers.
We want to be perfectly up front: We don’t sell you millions of impressions, thousands of uniques, or hundreds of email addresses. We welcome you to the party. We make pleasant introductions. We invite you to start up meaningful conversations with our readers. We believe in building real rapport between our readers and our partners. We’ll make every effort to ensure you’re the most popular person at the party, but let’s be honest… a little of that depends on you, too.
We know you have it in you! Give us something that makes our readers say, “Wow.” Our most successful partners extend a warm invitation to our readers in the form of useful free offers, unique discounts, and “no hassle, no obligation” offers. We’d like to see you build a bridge between your company and our readers, so if you want to partner with us, put yourself in a real estate professional’s shoes. Ask yourself: “If I were on the receiving end of this offer, would it pass the no B.S. sniff test?”
Contact Ken Oakley for our current media kit. We only accept two partners per month and each partner has an exclusive presence on the network. Opportunities are limited, but we do give priority to partners who we feel are a great fit for our readers.