“Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it’s dark.”
Too often in this life we make assumptions about our talents and interests. Sometimes this is out of fear and sometimes this is out of habit. We may have had a childhood experience which convinced us we were introverts, or “not much of a writer,” or that we lacked an aptitude for sports. Parents and peers can have a lasting impact about the narrative we tell ourselves, too, and these stories often shut down areas of tremendous potential.
But why do we artificially narrow our lives? Too often we say “no” when we should say, “I don’t know.” It’s true, there are some dreams which may be a bit beyond us. You might not find yourself an Olympic ice skater any time soon or knocking one out of Yankee Stadium, but that doesn’t mean you can’t revisit your interest in ice skating, or a local softball league.
What’s more, you may have a genuine knack for something you’ve never tried. Perhaps you have a musical ear, but you’ve never had an opportunity to take a few lessons. The point isn’t that you’ll become the best in the world– it’s that something new might bring a richness to your life previously overlooked. We could all use a little renewal now and again.
You’ll never know until you get past “no.” Something begun in modesty might lead you to the deep satisfaction of mastery.