Scott’s Thoughts: Learning is Living

What are you learning?

Hitting the books is just one way to live a life of learning.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 2 or 8. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

Moshe Arens (born 1925); former Israeli Minister of Defense

When we started Tuesday Tactics over two years ago, we did so with the hope that we could help agents learn more about marketing, technology, and client service. We wanted to inspire agents every week to keep their spirits up and refresh their understanding of business and technology, a domain which is filled with both exciting and intimidating change.

One of the great perils of complacency during aging can be an increased resistance to learning. I’ve always thought that one should always have an answer to the question: “So, what are you learning right now?” Whether your answer is “French,” or “web design” or “all about the construction of the Hoover Dam,” it’s vital that we keep aspects of our mind young through the destabilizing influence of new knowledge.

Don’t let the news cycle substitute for true learning. While an awareness of current events is an important part of being an engaged member of society, it’s no substitute for the great mental exercise involved in learning a new skill, tackling a language, or exploring a hobby. The mind is a plastic thing, and it retains the impression of what we challenge it with. Being up on the latest in reality T.V. probably isn’t contributing to a youthful mind.

Take Moshe Arens’ advice to heart: As long as you’re learning, you’re making an effort to keep your mind young.

What are you learning these days? What do you want to learn more about?


(Photo credit: themastershakesignal)

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