The Closing Word: Temporize
This week’s Closing Word: Temporize
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: wayfarer Pronounced: (WAY-fair-urr) Noun: utter shrieks, as of cats Noun: 1. a pedestrian who walks from place to place 2. [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: caterwaul Pronounced: (CAT-ur-wall) Verb: utter shrieks, as of cats Noun: the yowling sound made by a cat From Vocabulary.com: “While a [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: temporize Pronounced: (TEMP-or-eyes) Verb: draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time From Vocabulary.com: “The verb temporize describes [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: penitence Pronounced: (PEN-ih-tense) Noun: remorse for your past conduct From Vocabulary.com: “Penitence shares the same Latin root as the verb repent, [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: pertinacious Pronounced: (PURR-tin-ay-shuss) Adjective: stubbornly unyielding From Vocabulary.com: “If you won’t take no for an answer, you’re pertinacious. The same holds [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: arrogate Pronounced: (AIR-uh-gate) Verb: 1. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one’s right or [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: encomiastic Pronounced: (en-CO-mee-AZ-tick) Adjective: formally expressing praise From Vocabulary.com: “Encomiastic sounds like a fancy, dressed-up word, and it is: it’s usually [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: perspicuous Pronounced: (pur-SPICK-you-us) Adjective: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable From Vocabulary.com: “The word perspicuous dates from the 15th century and [...]
This week we continue our vocabulary-building series, “The Closing Word.” Each week we provide a new word to help build your vocabulary and show you an example of how to use it. This week’s closing word: dint Pronounced: (dint) Noun: force or effort; interchangeable with ‘means’ in the expression ‘by means of’ From Vocabulary.com: “Dint and dent [...]