Video: Facebook Fraud? Looking Behind the “Like”
What’s behind all those new “Likes” anyway?
Facebook’s new block feature, speed reading technology, and a look at how Google hires.
Facebook’s changes, virtual teams, and social media trends for 2014. It’s all covered in this week’s great read roundup.
Here’s a great infographic covering the use of #hashtags on Facebook.
Are you using Facebook to deepen data in your contact database?
Speed up your social media skills with these Facebook shortcuts.
Here’s a tip to take online professional relationships into the offline (i.e. REAL!) world.
Are you a new agent, unsure of the best approach for promoting your real estate career on Facebook? Here are some tactful, indirect ways to get the message out.
Have you ever used Facebook to promote private home previews?
Check out this fantastic infographic full of insights on how to engage more people with your Facebook marketing efforts.