Do your part to protect homeowners from loan scams!
Right now, some of your past clients may be vulnerable to scammers, and you can step up to help protect them. This public service website, “Prevent Loan” might just save someone you know from being led down an expensive (and heartbreaking) path.
From the website:
“In the midst of the current economic turmoil and foreclosure crisis, millions of distressed homeowners have become vulnerable targets to unscrupulous and sometimes criminal third-party scammers, con-artists, and thieves. These homeowners, desperate to keep their homes, are at risk from individuals and companies posing as “loan modification specialists,” some of whom are the very people who previously peddled subprime loans.
The alleged “rescuers” employ various scams with disastrous consequences for homeowners: phantom foreclosure counseling, lease-back or repurchase scams, fraudulent refinance, fraudulent loan modification, bankruptcy foreclosure, and reverse mortgage fraud. While waiting for the promised relief, homeowners not only lose their money but often fall deeper into default and lose valuable time.”
Learn more about protecting and reporting loan scams today: